Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

Listening to the audiobook of A Tribe Called Bliss with my bestie, Liv Wilde (yes, that is her real name!), as she did me a beautiful set of eyelash extensions, we both realised how special (and rare) it is to have a friendship that lifts you up and inspires you.

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.
— Henry Ford

We live in an era where connection is easier than ever. Distance is no longer a factor as to whether you can strike up a friendship or keep one going. We 'connect' with so many people online and watch what they do in their daily lives, but how many deep connections you have still is and always will be thing real thing that matters.

I would choose 100% choose just 1 true deep, soul-tribe friendship over 7000 social media followers. Liv nailed it when she said, "It is quality over quantity any day when it comes to having the right people around you." 

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.
— Thomas Aquinas

For me, over the past couple of years, I have been on such a journey that many of my former friendships fell by the wayside. My main focus was on getting my life together, and finding happiness and self-love. I realised many of my friends were on different journeys to me, and I felt lonely for a while as I sought out positive activities. Like-minded company is easy to find when you both love getting wrecked, but it is much more difficult to find someone who wants to pick your brain for hours over how to launch a blog or business and build an empire.

The greatest gift of your life is friendship, and I have recieved it.
— Hubert H. Humphrey

Day 7 / 365 days of personal development

Om Shanti