Motherhood and the Divine Creative Force: A Journey into Devotion

Creation begins in the womb. It begins in the dark, fertile void, where the unseen spark of life takes root, grows, and emerges into form. To be a mother is to embody the creative lifeforce, to become a portal through which something larger than yourself flows into existence. This is the essence of devotion, the essence of creativity, the essence of life itself.
The Womb of Creation: Through Sickness and Sacrifice
When I became a mother, I began to understand creativity in a way I never could before—not in a romanticised, hippy earth-mama way, but through a visceral, raw experience that demanded everything of me. Carrying and birthing Theo was not a graceful communion with the divine; it was a battle, a surrender, and an initiation.
From the moment I became pregnant, I was plunged into the relentless torment of hyperemesis gravidarum, a condition I had barely known existed until it consumed me. It was more than morning sickness; it was 41 weeks of unrelenting waves of nausea and vomiting that left me drained, weak, and often despairing. I couldn't eat, drink or sleep without the sickness clawing at me. Every day was a struggle to endure, to keep going, to trust that this suffering had a purpose.
And then came the labour. A process I had imagined as transformative in its natural power turned into a nightmare of hemorrhaging and chaos. My body, already pushed to its limits, finally gave out. What began as an attempt at a natural home birth ended in hospital getting an emergency C-section, the sterile lights of the operating room replacing any dream I had of serene, ceremonial, candlelit water birth delivery in my home. I remember the fear, the exhaustion, the trembling sense of helplessness.
Yet, through it all, Theo came into the world—a miracle forged in sweat, blood, and tears.
Creation as Sacrifice and Love
This experience of motherhood taught me that creation—whether it’s birthing a child, a work of art, or a vision for the world—is not always beautiful or poetic. It is often messy, brutal, and raw. It demands a level of sacrifice that strips you bare, peeling away all illusions of control or perfection.
Creativity, like motherhood, asks you to give parts of yourself to something bigger than you, to labour through the discomfort, the exhaustion, and the fear. It asks you to surrender, to trust, and to endure. And it asks you to love—ferociously, unconditionally, and without limit.
I learned that creation, in its most sacred form, is not just an act of producing something; it is an act of becoming. It reshapes you, remakes you, and leaves you changed in ways you could never have anticipated.
As mothers, we live in constant relationship with this force. Every day, we are called to create anew: a sense of safety, a meal, a story at bedtime, a new way to soothe tears or spark laughter. This act of creating is not always grand or poetic—it can be messy, chaotic, and exhausting. But it is in showing up to this daily rhythm, again and again, that we touch the sacred.
The Divine Mother: A Force of Creation
This raw and unrelenting force of creation is the divine mother herself. She is not always gentle or nurturing. Sometimes she is fierce, demanding, and unyielding. But she is always present, guiding us through the storm to bring forth life—whether that life is a child, a work of art, or a new way of being.
As I reflect on my pregnancy and labour, I see the divine mother in every moment. In the sickness that brought me to my knees, she was teaching me endurance. In the labour that turned to chaos, she was showing me surrender. And in Theo’s first cry, she was there, whispering, “This is creation. This is love. This is life.”
The Hug of the Divine Mother
Years before I became a mother, I traveled to India and visited Amma’s ashram. Amma, known as the “hugging saint,” is revered as a living embodiment of the divine mother. I was skeptical. The stories of her unconditional love felt exaggerated, and I questioned the idea that a single hug could change someone’s life.
But as I sat on stage during her darshan, waiting my turn to embrace her, something extraordinary happened. From three rows back, I felt it—pure, unconditional love radiating from her. It was as if her very presence whispered to me, You are perfect and complete, just as you are.
In that moment, I saw myself through the eyes of divine motherly love, the same way I now see Theo. I felt the love that doesn’t demand perfection, doesn’t ask for anything in return. It simply is. It flows freely, abundantly, endlessly.
That moment changed me. It was a glimpse of the creative force that flows through all things—a force that feels both deeply human and divinely cosmic. What if “God” or “Goddess” isn’t a separate being, but the creative essence of the universe itself? What if this loving awareness, this lifeforce, is what animates our art, our children, our very existence?
The Flow of Loving Awareness
When we create, we enter the flow state—a space where time dissolves and we become one with the process. This state isn’t so different from the divine mother’s love. It doesn’t demand perfection or performance. It asks only that we show up and allow the lifeforce to move through us.
Motherhood has shown me that creation requires surrender. You cannot control the process—you can only nurture it, tend to it, and trust that it will unfold as it’s meant to. This is as true in the studio as it is in the nursery.
Devotion to the Creative Lifeforce
Becoming a mother has deepened my understanding of devotion. It is not about grand gestures or monumental achievements. It is about showing up, day after day, for the messy, beautiful, transformative process of creation. It is about tending to the seeds you’ve planted, even when you feel doubt or fear, and trusting that the lifeforce will guide you.
In those moments when I rock Theo to sleep, when his tiny hand rests on my shoulder, I feel the same creative lifeforce I’ve touched in the flow state. It is love in action. It is the divine mother energy, flowing through me and into him.
When I create—whether it’s writing a blog, taking a photograph, or guiding a ceremony—I feel that same energy. It’s not mine to own; it’s mine to channel, to honour, and to share.
Who We Become Through Devotion
Motherhood doesn’t stop at birth. Every day, we create anew—a sense of safety, a meal, a story at bedtime, a new way to soothe tears or spark laughter. These acts are not always grand or poetic. Sometimes they are monotonous, messy, or exhausting. But in showing up to this daily rhythm, again and again, we touch the sacred.
Creation is not always what we envision it to be. It is not always tidy or triumphant. Sometimes it is about enduring through the sickness, bleeding through the labour, or finding grace in the chaos. And yet, it is always worth it. Because through this process, we are not only bringing something new into the world—we are becoming something new ourselves.
Motherhood teaches us that showing up changes us. In the daily act of devotion—whether to a child or to the spirit of our work—we are shaped by the process. We become more resilient, more present, more attuned to the sacred rhythms of life.
Motherhood has taught me that I am a vessel for something far greater than myself. And so are you. When we embrace the creative lifeforce that flows through us, we connect with the divine mother—the source of all creation. We become one with the womb of existence, with the cycles of birth, growth, death, and rebirth that sustain the world.
Birthing Beyond the Womb: Projects, Art, Movements
Not all women are called to birth children—but all of us are creators. The same divine mother energy that flows through those who bear children also moves through those who bring projects, art, movements, and ideas into the world. Creation is not confined to the womb; it is a force that pulses through every act of devotion, labour, and love.
Some are here to birth books that reshape our understanding, movements that spark change, or art that stirs the soul. Others are here to nurture visions that transform communities or ideas that heal the world. This creative lifeforce, the essence of the divine mother, flows through all of us, asking us to step into the sacred act of bringing something new into being.
Birthing Through Vision: The Ayahuasca Journey
During an ayahuasca ceremony, I was gifted a vision that reframed the way I see creation. As the medicine began its work, I felt my belly swell as though I were pregnant. It wasn’t a physical pregnancy, but a spiritual one—an unmistakable sense that something profound was growing within me.
The journey took me through the full experience of carrying life: the weight, the labour, the pain, and the exhaustion of birth. But when the moment came to deliver, I didn’t birth a child. Instead, I birthed books. One after another, they emerged from me—each one a piece of my soul, a reflection of my deepest truths, and a contribution to the world.
This vision was as visceral as it was illuminating. I felt the intense labour of creation, the surrender to the process, and the indescribable joy of bringing something sacred into existence. It was a reminder that the act of creating—whether a child, a project, or a movement—demands the same devotion, courage, and trust.
Honouring All Forms of Creation
The things we birth, no matter their form, carry a part of us into the world. They require the same nurturing, labour, and love as any child. They grow from the seeds we plant within our hearts, shaped by our care and devotion. And like children, they eventually take on lives of their own, touching others in ways we may never fully see.
For those of us who are called to birth art, ideas, or movements, the process is no less sacred than the physical act of motherhood. It is messy, transformative, and deeply human. It asks us to endure through doubt, labour through fear, and trust in the divine mother energy that flows through us.
This energy, whether expressed through parenting or creating, connects us to the universal rhythm of life—the cycles of birth, growth, death, and rebirth that sustain the world. It reminds us that we are vessels for something far greater than ourselves, and in nurturing what we create, we honour the divine spark within us all.
Whether you are birthing a human life or a creative vision, you are embodying the divine mother. You are a channel for the lifeforce that flows through all things, a vessel for the energy of creation. This is a sacred role, and it is one that connects us all—those who birth children, those who birth art, and those who birth movements that change the world.
In honouring the things we birth, we honour the divine mother within us. We step into our role as creators, not with the expectation of perfection, but with the willingness to show up, to labour, and to trust the process.
An Invitation to Birth
What are you called to birth in this life? What seeds have been planted within you, waiting to emerge? How can you nurture these creations with the same devotion and love that a mother gives to her child?
Take a moment to reflect on what you are bringing into the world. Whether it is a book, a painting, a business, or a movement, know that it is sacred. Trust in the divine mother energy that flows through you, guiding your hands and your heart. And remember: the things you birth are not only a reflection of you—they are a gift to the world.
Whatever you are called to create in this life, know that it is sacred. Whether you are birthing a child, a book, a movement, or a vision, the process will ask much of you—but it will also give you more than you can imagine.
As you reflect on your own creative journey, ask yourself: What am I devoted to? How can I show up for the creative lifeforce that moves through me? What would it look like to nurture my work with the same unconditional love I would give a child?
And when the journey feels too hard, too messy, or too painful, remember: the divine mother is with you and is YOU. She is the force that flows through you, guiding you, holding you, and helping you bring your creation to life. Trust her, surrender to her, and let her show you the way.
Dedication to My Mum
This blog is dedicated to my own mama, who has been a profound embodiment of the divine mother energy in my life. Through her unwavering love, care, and support, she gifted me the foundation to grow, create, and thrive. Her unconditional love continues to ripple through me and into Theo, creating a lineage of flourishing, nurturing, and devotion.
During my labour with Theo, my mum stood by my side in what became one of the most profound moments of my life. We had planned for a home birth—a sacred, intentional space to welcome Theo into the world. While the birth itself ultimately took an unexpected turn, those hours spent in labour at home held a kind of ceremony I’ll never forget.
At one point, amidst the intensity and effort of labour, my mum and I were holding hands, face to face and we both began to tear up. It wasn’t out of fear or exhaustion but something far deeper—a shared recognition of the divine spark that connects us. In that moment, it felt as though time dissolved, and the love that had passed from her to me expanded outward to encompass Theo.
It was the kind of connection that transcends words. As I looked into her eyes, I saw the sacrifices she had made for me, the strength she had carried through her own journey of motherhood, and the unconditional love that had shaped my life. And in her tears, I saw her seeing me—the divine within her recognising the divine within me, both of us in awe of this miracle we were bringing into the world together.
In that shared moment, I felt a deep sense of honour—not only for the life we were welcoming but for the lineage of love and devotion that made it possible. My mum’s sacrifices, her nurturing, and her boundless care were the foundation upon which I was now able to stand and bring Theo into the world.
It was a moment of profound gratitude and reverence. The divine spark within her had ignited something within me, and now, through Theo, it was expanding again. It was a reminder that motherhood isn’t just about what we give in the present moment—it’s about the legacy of love that flows through us, generation after generation.
In that potent moment, I saw the divine mother energy not as something abstract or distant, but as something embodied and alive, flowing through my mum, through me, and into Theo. It was a ceremony of connection, a sacred acknowledgment of the creative lifeforce that sustains us all.
That moment has stayed with me, shaping how I understand both motherhood and creation. It is a reminder that we do not walk this journey alone; we carry the love, wisdom, and sacrifices of those who came before us. And in every act of devotion—whether to our children, our work, or the world—we honour that lineage and allow it to flourish.
To my mum: thank you for the love and strength you have given me. That moment during Theo’s birth was a mirror of all you’ve given, all you’ve taught, and all you are. It is through you that I know how to carry this divine energy forward, into motherhood, creativity, and life itself.
With endless love and gratitude,